1/18/24: Introduction/Welcome
1/25/ 2024: Roberto Gonzalez, Richard Perry University Professor of Sociology and Education, University of Pennsylvania; Lives Split in Two: DACA and the Limits of Semi-Citizenship
2/1/2024: Xi Song, Xi Song, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania; Equal Degrees, Unequal Trajectories: Place of Education and Long-Term Earnings Mobility
2/8/2024: Arnout Van De Rijt, Professor of Sociology EUI; Does the Matthew effect last, or peter out? Evidence from register data
2/15/2024: Professionalization Workshop
2/22/2024: Tristan Botelho, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Yale School of Management; Paying and Punishing it Forward: How Misrecognized Evaluators Reproduce their Unmeritocratic Experiences in Peer Evaluations
2/29/2024: Suzanne Nichols, Director of Publishing, Russell Sage Foundation; ’I Want to Write a Book’: All the Do’s and Don’ts You Need to Know to Get Published with a University Press.
3/7/2024: David Lindstrom, Professor of Sociology, Brown University; TBD
3/14/2024: No Workshop; Spring break
3/21/2024: No Workshop; Spring break
3/28/2024: Kristen Harknett, Professor of Sociology, UCSF; COVID-19 Employment Shocks and Safety Net Expansion: Health Effects on Displaced Workers
4/4/2024: Nicole Kreisberg, Assistant Professor, Penn State; 1 in 100: Latino Immigrants’ Unlikely Paths to Labor
4/11/2024: PAA Practice Sessions - Yale Sociology Graduate Students: Siyao Lu: A Novel Time Use Approach on Successful Aging: Racial and Gender Disparities in Daily Productive Engagement; Peter Yun: The return to switching to STEM
4/18/2024: Xiaogang Wu, Director of the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) at NYU Shanghai, a Yufeng Global Professor of Social Science at NYU Shanghai and a Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU, Shanghai; The Communist Party and Elite Reproduction: Party Recruitment of College Students in Contemporary China
04/26/24: Wrap-up